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About B.R.A.G.
President - Jean Milliman
V. Pres. - Rose Feenaughty
Secretary - Debbie Wight
Treasurer - Barb Webb
In April 1997, The Bolivar, Richburg, Allentown, Genesee Historical Preservation Society was formed in an attempt to preserve the history of our towns and their people, and to provide a place where people would have access to this information in one central location. The Society has become known as B.R.A.G. and is located on the ground floor of the Bolivar Free Library.
Our main objective is to collect through our research and your donations, all available family genealogies, photographs, obituaries, scrapbooks, first hand stories, and histories of our past citizens, local activities, businesses and organizations, and try to organize them in a way that would be easily accessible to everyone who is searching such information. We are growing by leaps and bounds because of all the generous donations of people like you. To date, we have over 75 family histories, and many of them include photographs of many of the family members. People who come from out of town to do research tell us that we have one of the most extensive collections in the area. We have many books that include census lists, births, deaths, marriages, and have records of most of the cemeteries in our area, including many from across the state border into PA. We also have genealogies that have been sent to us on disks and CD-Rom. We recently were given a new computer and we have installed a database of information about local people that has about 22,000 people from the Bolivar-Richburg area alone. We have an extensive collection of area yearbooks, but we are still looking for donations to complete the yearbook collection. We are also collecting Bolivar Bulldog memorabilia.
We Highly appreciate any copies of your family information, photographs, and anything that pertains to the area, so that we may include this in our archives and preserve it for generations to come. We feel that to preserve this information and to provide it for future generations is a wonderful tribute to your parents and grandparents. We would like to know when people moved to the area, the reason for coming here, and how they made their living. We also take personal stories that make these family histories come to life; stories that your grandchildren would like to hear.
If you think that this is a worthwhile project, please show your support of our many dedicated hours of work by becoming a member of the B.R.A.G. Historical Preservation Society. The cost is .00 a year. Come to the Bolivar Free Library at 390 Main Street, or include:
Zip code___________
Mail to: B.R.A.G. Historical Society
390 Main Street
Bolivar NY, 14715
Or you can email us at millimanj@yahoo.com